Laughter might not be the best medicine for everything — a papercut still needs a bandage, after all — but there are plenty of science-backed health benefits to laughing more often. However, to reap the benefits of laughter, we need to ensure we’re laughing as much as possible. According to researchers, we laugh less often the older we get. While a toddler might laugh 300 times daily, the average adult only laughs 17 times. To remedy this, look for humor in everyday things or seek out things that you naturally find funny — you might improve your health just by having a good chuckle.

Relieves Stress
Laughter relieves both mental stress and physical tension. As you laugh, you breathe in more. This extra oxygen intake stimulates your body, especially your heart, lungs, and muscles, releasing endorphins, natural hormones that alleviate pain, lower stress levels, and improve mood. Research also shows that muscle tension is reduced for up to 45 minutes after a good guffaw, leaving you more calm and relaxed.

Increases Immunity
Studies reveal that people who laugh more see a boost to their immune system. Specifically, laughter has been shown to stimulate the production and vitality of disease-fighting T-cells. These powerful cells help the immune system fight germs and protect the body from disease. Laughing also decreases the release of stress hormones, which negatively impact the overall health of the immune system.

Improves Mental Health
One of laughter’s most extraordinary powers is its impact on mental and emotional health. It alters dopamine and serotonin activity in the body, both of which help boost your mood. You might recall a time when you’ve had a difficult day, but a lighthearted joke made you feel better. Not only does laughing reduce stress, but it can dissolve anger, ease tension, and help put things in perspective by snapping you out of a negative mental state. The next time your car gets a flat tire, or you spill your coffee, try searching for something funny to help improve your mood.
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Burns Calories
According to the National Institutes of Health, just 10 to 15 minutes of laughter can burn around 40 calories. Of course, it’s nearly impossible to laugh for 10 minutes straight, so focus on spreading this throughout the day. By the end of the year, you could lose around four pounds from laughing alone.

Boosts Heart Health
A good laugh has been shown to decrease blood pressure and heart rate, which improves heart health while leaving you feeling relaxed physically and mentally. Laughing also increases blood flow and improves the function of blood vessels, two significant components of heart health, which can help protect you from cardiovascular issues.

Reduces Pain
Laughter can temporarily reduce pain through distraction. This idea has been supported in various studies where participants were exposed to minor pain and then made to laugh. The participants reported forgetting about the pain or experiencing reduced pain levels. So, the next time you have a headache or a sore back, try turning on your favorite sitcom.

Decreases Risk and Severity of Disease
Various studies have been conducted on the impact of laughter on specific diseases. One study showed that those who laughed more had fewer instances of coronary heart disease. Another revealed that laughter decreases inflammation levels in people with rheumatoid arthritis. At the same time, other research showed a reduction in the hyperinflation of lungs in those with COPD.

Increases Life Expectancy
Can laughing help you live longer? Possibly. A study in Japan found that participants with a higher daily frequency of laughter had lower mortality rates. Considering the additional health benefits of laughter, especially stress relief, disease prevention, and immune system support, it’s hardly surprising that long-term health is also positively impacted.
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